It’s not easy being married. My wife and I will mark our 38th wedding anniversary this year. My sister and brother-in-law are past their fiftieth, and many folks I go to church with are well past their fiftieth, wedding anniversary as well. In spite of that, marriage is not easy.
The divorce rate in America has remained around fifty percent for generations. Fewer and fewer people even bother with marriage.
It is not entirely the fault of those involved… not entirely. Satan hates marriage.
Marriage was the first institution created by God. Before He created cities, states, nations, and the Church, God created marriage, and subsequently, the family. It is the only one of those institutions that He created personally (see Genesis 2:24); all others He created by extension through man. It is, also, the institution attacked first and foremost by Satan, for he knows that if he can destroy the marriage and the family that all of society will be destroyed as well.
How can we defend marriage and family? Build both on a foundation of prayer and obedience to God. Had I done this years ago, I would have saved much grief. You see marriage actually involves three people, not two: man, woman, and God. When the husband and wife have a deep relationship with God and continue to develop that relationship jointly, they perfect their love. Then they need not fear a failed marriage.
Sure, they will still have problems. Temptations and trials will still trouble their marriage, but because of the persistent guidance of God, they will overcome them. The same thing is true of the children.
Love perfected by God creates perfect marriages… well, as perfect as they will ever be in a fallen world.
Fear Not, for “there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.” 1 John 4:18a
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