A particular reality TV show claims to pick up contestants in the dark of night, blindfold them, and leave them in the middle of nowhere to find their way back to civilization. If real, it might be a fun challenge to watch.
Finding oneself alone, in the dark, with no idea as to your location, though, must be terrifying. A couple times during chemotherapy, I became confused while driving alone. It’s called “Chemobrain.” For a few minutes, that was frightening.
Many people travel through life in the dark. They are alone. They have no idea where they are at, not really. They are confused about their destination. They may not admit it, even to themselves, but they are terrified. They are lost.
Those who truly surrender to God and follow daily in His footsteps do not live in darkness. They live free, in the light and love of the Loving Heavenly Father. They know their destination; they see it clearly. They know where they’ve been. They are never alone. Never confused. Never terrified. They are in the Light.
Fear Not, the Lord is our Light…
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