Before God set the earth spinning on her axis / Before He hung the stars up in the sky / Before the angels in heaven sang His praises / It is with mortal man He would reside.
God is perfect; He lacks nothing. Because He is perfect, He never changes. He has never lacked a thing and never will. Never lacking, always perfect, He cannot be lonely. Why, then, craft a family of spirit beings to share the heavenly realm? Why, then, create a physical realm and fill it with weak and pathetic mortal beings?
Since He is perfect, then He is all-knowing, which means He knew that both the spirit beings and the mortal beings would rebel. Why, then, create beings who will rebel?
It was His plan from the beginning of time (which has no beginning) to share His Dwelling Place with His families. He would dwell in heavenly realm with the spirit beings. He would walk in the cool of the day with the mortal beings.
Because God is spirit, He and the spirit beings could pass back and forth from the heavenly realm to the physical world. Because the mortal beings are physical, they could not pass back and forth to the heavenly realm, God made His home both in the heavenly realm and the physical world.
It has always been God’s plan to dwell with us, His creation, imperfect though we be. He and His sprit beings lived with us, mortal beings, in Eden. He visited us on Mt. Sanai. He dwelt in the tabernacle. He sat on the throne in the Temple. He visited Joseph, Daniel, and John in their dreams. He became a mortal being, was born, lived, died, was resurrected, and ascended back into the heavenly realm in His physical body.
Why? Not because He was lonely, but because it was always His plan to have children to love.
Today, His Spirit dwells within the hearts and minds of mortal beings… Us. Because He dwells in us, we know His love.
He inspired 66 perfect books so that we could know Him better. Within those 66 books is the promise that, someday soon, He and the sprit beings and the mortal beings will reside together in a new heaven and a new earth.
For that, I anxiously wait.