There should be a user’s manual for new dads. Grandfathers don’t need one, but young parents sure do. I know, because I was a stumbling, goof of a father to my children. It wasn’t until I became a grandfather that I learned how to be a good dad. I was way too strict with my kids, disciplined them far too often, and held them not nearly enough. I needed an instruction book.
I love my kids. And, I love my grandkids. I wish I had spoiled my kids as much as I do my grandkids. I wish I had more time and money to spoil the grandchildren.
How many of you can tell your children or grandchildren NO? I don’t mean when they throw a tantrum. I mean when they earnestly approach you and tearfully beg for something they want with all their heart. Are you able to tell them NO then? I’ll bet not.
That act of earnest begging…. of tearfully pleaing… that is supplication.
Look how that word is used in Philippians 4:6 –
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
Earnestly beg God. Plea with Him. Go to Him as the Good Father Who needs no instruction book. He will care for you.
Fear Not for we have a good Father.