Psalm 118 tells us this in verses 21 and 22:
I will praise You,
For You have answered me,
And have become my salvation.
The stone which the
builders rejected
Has become the chief
Think of the cornerstone not as the ceremonial stone with an inscription, a date, or a dedication. That is not what is meant in the Bible. Rather, think of a builder attempting to layout his work level and true. The first stone set in place must be perfectly cut and perfectly placed, else subsequent stones will stray far off course.
Paul, in Ephesians 2, calls Christ our cornerstone, but couldn’t the same be said about Mohammed, Buddha, or any such person?
What makes this stone so perfect that it acts as a guide for every part of the house? Are there not, in fact, many stones that can be a guide?
Dropping the analogy, let’s look at that question in a practical sense. Jesus was a good man, a great teacher, an advocate of the poor, a philosopher, and one who exemplified faith in His death… But, the same might be said of the founders of other world religions? What makes Christ different than they?
What makes Jesus the one true Way, the Truth, and the Life… What makes Him the only door into God’s Kingdom… Is this:
Jesus is the only one who lived a perfect life, thus overcoming sin, and He is the only one who rose from the dead, and conquered death.
The stones used to build the House of God may be all shapes and sizes, all different qualities, and even different colors. All are imperfect. The Cornerstone is alone perfect.
Fear Not, for Jesus is the Cornerstone.
Jesus is the Cornerstone,
He came for sinners to atone;
Tho’ rejected by His own,
He became the Cornerstone.
O Jesus is the Cornerstone.
When I am by trial oppressed,
On the Stone I am at rest;
When the seeds of truth are sown,
He remains the Cornerstone.
Jesus is the Cornerstone.
Lari Goss, 1976. (copyright 1976 Bridge Building Music, Inc.).