What sets you and me apart from our non-Christian friends and coworkers? Early 20th century evangelist, Billy Sunday, told the story of a young Christian who left home to work in a lumber camp. His friends warned him that if the men in the camp discovered he was a Christian that he would be in for a hard time.
A year later, when he returned, the young Christian was asked how he got along. “Just fine, those boys never did find out I was a Christian.”
I cannot say who Christ has called to be a secret Christian, if anyone (Joseph of Arimathaea, in Mark 15:42-47, seems to have hidden his belief in Christ for fear of the Jews). In general, though, I think if we truly follow Christ, those who know us will realize that we are different. There is no hiding the change.
Paul tells us not to conform to the world. Do be like everyone else. The world right now has no standards, no sense of right and wrong, no morality. We should stand firm in the Truth of God’s Word, defend right, stand against wrong and demonstrate a Christian morality, even if we must stand alone.
Don’t be a undercover Christian, let your light shine and light the way for those who live in darkness.